Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Spider-man Ballons

Today I found this 'ballon's seller' with his 'red-blue SPIDER-MAN' and 'Blue-SPIDER-MAN' balloons. Cool! I want to have them!

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

A Spider-man keychain

My friend, Nathanael and his wife, when they went to Malang city, bought me this "SPIDER-MAN KEY CHAIN!" Cool! Thank You Natan!

A Spider-man hand cover

An unique toys, a Spider-man 'hand cover'. Made from a piece of t-shirt or something like that. You open it, and put it on your hand to protect you form sun!

A Spider-man Decorated Car

A few week ago, near my church, I found this car, with SPIDER-MAN pictures at his front body! Love it, ask the owner to take this picture!

1440 Spider-man

My fantasy pictures number 1440, Spider-man. Taken from a tabloid for kids, year 1995-1996.

A Spider-man Towel

This SPIDER-MAN towel used to protect us form road polutions (expecially for all motorcyle / bikers) in our country.

A Spider-man candy's box cover

A box cover from a candy with Spider-man pictures!

A Spider-man sticker at our public transportation

When I inside a 'mikrolet' (our public transportaion - mini bus type), I found some of other 'mikrolet' behind us. I take this pictures, because I saw SPIDER-MAN stikers!

Not only one sticker, but she have two ! (box one and box two)

A Spider-man Glove

I bought this SPIDER-MAN glove to protect my hand from sun-shine when we rides our motor to church or another places.

A Spider-man coloring and sticker book

A coloring and sticker books, with SPIDER-MAN pictures!

Kids may put their color at these pages :

Spider-man Hat

This morning, while waiting our 'public transport', I meet this old man. I asked him to take this picture, he agreed!

A Spider-man sticker for a car

I have a lot of 'decorated car' photos at my PHOTOBUCKET album.

A Spider-man Glove

I bought this SPIDER-MAN glove to protect my hand from sun-shine when we rides our motor to church or another places.

Spider-man Helmet

On my way to my office, I meet this man, and asked him to let me take pictures of his helmet : SPIDER-MAN's face!

A Spder-man bag

A bag with SPIDER-MAN picture.

A Spider-man candy's box cover

A box cover from a candy with Spider-man pictures!

Kamis, 12 Mei 2011

A Spider-man bag for kids

A bag with SPIDER-MAN character.

A Spider-man candy box cover

Yes, another candy with 'Spider-man' pictures!

A Spider-man keychain

My friend, Nathanael and his wife, when they went to Malang city, bought me this "SPIDER-MAN KEY CHAIN!" Cool! Thank You Natan!

A Spider-man candy box cover

Yes, another candy with 'Spider-man' pictures!

A Spider-man Towel

This SPIDER-MAN towel used to protect us form road polutions (expecially for all motorcyle / bikers) in our country.


The real SPIDER-MAN climb a building in JAKARTA, INDONESIA. Taken from a newspaper "SURYA", Thursday 13 November 2008.

A Spider-man bag

This morning I find this boy went to his school, with his SPIDER-MAN bags.

A Spider-man keychain

My friend, Nathanael and his wife, when they went to Malang city, bought me this "SPIDER-MAN KEY CHAIN!" Cool! Thank You Natan!

A Spider-man Towel

This SPIDER-MAN towel used to protect us form road polutions (expecially for all motorcyle / bikers) in our country.

A Spider-man Helmet - September 27, 2009

A Spider-man helmet, I found this at a 'shoes-sandals' store center in my city (WEDORO - SIDOARJO - EAST JAVA)

Another Spider-man bag

I saw this guy with his SPIDER-MAN bag, while we waiting our bus city. Every morning I goes to my office with our city bus.

Spider-man seat cover

Last Friday, when we went home from our church, we ate a 'meat balls' near Pondok Candra housing complex, Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia. I met this old man cutting his hair, and asked his permission to take this picture : Spider-man Seat Cover!

A Spider-man keychain

I bought this key chain with SPIDER-MAN pictures!

Spider-man Seat Cover

A Seat cover (for motor cycle), I found to day and ask the owner, he let me to take these pictures, for all of you!